1.1. Forbidden flood, messages, containing in itself a repeat of one and the same symbol of, "kapslok" and often repeated messages about exchange, reception in clan, race and camping on D. Ban from 5 minutes to 2 days.
1.2. Forbidden mate as veiled, closed stars, and outdoor. Allowed in PM (private messages), in Party, on individual locations and dims, provided that all players who are there are not against the mate.From one to five days. It is also allowed in the Club location on any dims, regardless of if there are other players or members of the administration.
1.3. it is Forbidden to insult players and the administration, discuss them on the main location in the General chat, molest and provoke them to clarify relations. Rude expressions are prohibited, regardless of whether they are directed at players or not. Keep yourself within the bounds of decency. It is forbidden to insult someone's feelings, to raise conflicts about their nationality, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs and political views. From 1 to 10 days.
1.4. Prohibited harassment of players or the administration requests to obtain a item, a pet, a race or competition.From 30 minutes to 1 day.
1.5. It is forbidden to use third party programs to modify game code for the purpose of receiving in-game benefits. From 30 days to permanent ban with clearing\deleting the account.
1.6. Prohibited theft item as the exchange or the race and in the hunt. Earn your items with honest work, or good relationships with players. It is forbidden to finish off \ tame animals that are already being hunted. From 3 to permanent ban with account clearing.
1.7. it is Forbidden to distribute information about the vulnerability of the game without notifying the administration, using it for selfish purposes. If you find any bug, please inform the administration immediately. From 30 days to permanent ban with clearing\deleting the account.
1.8. It is forbidden to impersonate a member of the administration or any other player. From 3 days to a week.
1.9. Prohibited acts of a sexual nature and discussion of such things in the General chat. From 12 hours to a week.
1.10. It is forbidden to create discomfort in the game, such as putting on a huge number of auras, "trash" items, dancing or jumping next to a player who asks you to stop. From 30 minutes to 2 days.
1.11. It is forbidden to molest players or the administration, annoying behavior, obsession. If a player/member of the staff doesn't want to talk to you, leave them alone. From 5 minutes to 2 days.
1.12. It is forbidden to discuss the administration, protest to it and declare your innocence if there is evidence of your guilt. If you think that you were banned unfairly and you are not at all to blame, contact the community's private messages, specifying your nickname, time, and possible reason for punishment. If the administration was really wrong, it will apologize to you with all the staff and try to compensate you for moral damage.
1.13. Links to third-party programs and sites that are not related to World of Pandora are prohibited.From 1 day to a week.
1.14. It is forbidden to "hide" guilty players. If you know who broke the rules and when, please notify the administration.From a week to 30 days.
1.15. Any commercial activity in the game, such as selling game content for real money, selling accounts and textures, is prohibited. From 30 days to permanent ban with clearing\deleting the account.
1.16. Prohibited discussion of other servers and it in General chat. However, you can safely ask the player if they are playing on another server and what their username is. 1 day to 5 days.
Added in 9 minutes 6 seconds:
2.1. it is Forbidden to use any form of language, rude expressions and insults in comments or in the form of text on screenshots\videos.3 days in read-only mode
2.2. it is Forbidden to discuss other players, clarify relations, provoke a conflict.3 days in read-only mode.
2.3. it is Forbidden to insult someone's feelings, to raise conflicts about their national identity, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs and political views. Week in read-only mode
2.4. Prohibited comments on the type: "And where is the meaning here? This has already happened. Boring, pathetic, I don't like it."1 day in read-only mode.
2.5. Prohibited the assignment itself other people's drawings, models, textures, etc. Permanently.
2.6. Links to third-party programs and sites that are not related to World of Pandora are Prohibited. Permanently.
2.7. Forbidden questions in inappropriate threads or posts. There are special discussion sections for questions.1 day in read-only mode.
2.8. it is Forbidden to distribute information about the vulnerability of the game without notifying the administration, using it for selfish purposes. If you find any bug, please inform the administration immediately. Permanently.
2.9. Any commercial activity in the group, such as selling game content for real money, selling accounts and textures, is Prohibited. Permanent ban. The exception is ads where you can put your present for sale.
Added in 10 minutes 15 seconds:
3.1. Clans or packs are forbidden to assign themselves any locations or dimes for the purpose of conducting a role-playing game. It is forbidden to banish other clans or packs, players or administration. All cards are shared by all players.
3.2. If several members of the clan are found in violation of the rules, the administration has the right to ban the entire clan or Guild, if such was present at the violation or covered the violators.
3.3. the Leader or leader of the pack or other group of players is fully responsible for their fellow clansmen. If they are guilty, he will be punished as well.
Added in 16 minutes 37 seconds:
Server administration:
1.1. Is Obliged to keep order in the group and the game;
1.2. Has the right to ban the player, if there is a reason for it, but does not have the right to ban the player at his own will;
1.3. Can give players an award as an item, pet, or preset download, but only for winning the contest and only! Just a friendly gift, and the\pet\loading presets in the game, the administrator does NOT have rights!
1.4. Does not have the right to insult participants, breed "srachi" and the like.
1.5. Can not arrange contests\races and so on, if you do not notify the staff
1.6. Is Not responsible for items that were stolen from you at the race\contest, as well as items that were received from the cheater or for missing items left on the map.
Moderators include all items except 1.3, and they also have the ability to wear any themes or have any Pets, but do not give\give them. Helpers have the right to ask for any item, except privates.
Added in 3 minutes 4 seconds:
Contest rules:
1. Work should only be done by you! Works are not accepted even if someone helped you, even if you wrote who helped!
2. Not under what pretext can not take ideas or the work itself from the Internet or draw\redraw drawings!
3. You can throw 2, but not more.